Tuesday, 18 December 2012

RTI Supreme Court Police Complaint Authority

Latest development on issue of POLICE COMPLAINT AUTHORITY in INDIA........

Today i went to Supreme Court for 1st Appeal Hearing of my RTI sent to Chief Justice of India regarding details of Actions taken by supreme court against State Govts. & UT for noncompliance of Supreme court's orders for establishment of Police Complaint Authorities in India.. Mr. Sunil Thomas Registrar refused to provide me copies of relevant information, even after i told him about orders of CIC. While orders of CIC states that - though other means of getting information in court are available,still court will have to provide the information under RTI act. Now i have decided to go for 2nd appeal. Decision will be against authorities of Supreme Court of India & fines may also be imposed
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RTI Supreme Court Police Complaint Authority

Latest development on issue of POLICE COMPLAINT AUTHORITY in INDIA........

Today i went to Supreme Court for 1st Appeal Hearing of my RTI sent to Chief Justice of India regarding details of Actions taken by supreme court against State Govts. & UT for noncompliance of Supreme court's orders for establishment of Police Complaint Authorities in India.. Mr. Sunil Thomas Registrar refused to provide me copies of relevant information, even after i told him about orders of CIC. While orders of CIC states that - though other means of getting information in court are available,still court will have to provide the information under RTI act. Now i have decided to go for 2nd appeal. Decision will be against authorities of Supreme Court of India & fines may also be imposed
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